Recharge and Reset!
Many people assume that self-care can be done once or twice a year to feel recharged or rejuvenated, but I think we learned that this needs to be done more than that, especially during this pandemic. Recharging ourselves is the crux of keeping ourselves aligned, going forward, and pushing ourselves to do better. Many of us are caregivers in one sense or another. Ask yourself this question - can I keep pouring myself into caring for others when I don't take the time to care for myself? The answer is no, you can't keep pouring from an empty cup.
This conversation comes up in a lot of sessions I have with clients and believe me, and I've even had to start listening to Spirit's messages for myself too when it comes to this topic. Is it selfish to take time to recharge and reset yourself? NO! It's necessary! When our computers or cell phones seem to be not working right, we shut them down, turn them off and reset them. Usually, that seems to do the trick and it takes a short amount of time. So why is it so hard to do that for ourselves?

Selfcare does not need to be an expense, it's an investment in your better self. Taking just a few moments every month, week or daily can help us recharge and reset. Start with short bursts of time, say 5 minutes, to get yourself into a routine - watch the birds as you sip your coffee in the morning, appreciate the sunrise on your way to work, sit or walk outside. You can then start working your way up to longer stretches of time or even more frequent self-care moments weekly or daily.
Take the time to do what makes your soul happy. Selfcare is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you!